
Baby It’s Cold Outside



All She Wrote Notes

All She Wrote Notes

Baby, it’s coooooold outside! Between the snow and the ice and a little Will little cold we’ve been cooped up this week, and I haven’t gotten much done that doesn’t involve Sesame Street or washing sippy cups. Hoping you’re having a great week so far… And that it warms up soon!

  • Other than going to work, this weather has been a big bummer, the kids are home from school glued to their techs, and with little Sophia needing so much attention, this is the only time I’ve had time to read my favorite blogs! hope it ends soon, I’m so ready for Spring!

  • Kristy,
    Why do we all wish for what we don’t have? So. Cal. has been in the mid-seventies/low eighties for the past 10 days. We’re all desperate for a little rain (draught, big time) and because I love winter (maybe because I’ve never really experienced a real one) I wish it were at least cold. 🙂
    Bundle up and stay warm.
    P.S. My boys loved Sesame Street and learned so much from it. 🙂

    • If I didn’t love all four seasons so much, but I would be very mad at you right now, Karen. Haha! Happy for you and your fabulous weather. I think I’m going to have to start flying south for the winter!

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