
Birthdays and Great Loves

Hi, friends! We’re just getting ready to head out to celebrate hubby’s birthday. We’re actually going to The Umstead this weekend (If you don’t know it, I’ll sum it up for you. Umstead=Heaven.) but we haven’t been on a “date” in way too long, so we’re going to hit our favorite Kinston spot, The Chef and the Farmer. If you aren’t watching their show, A Chef’s Life, you should! Will isn’t big on birthdays or celebrating, so no party. He’ll probably lecture me for even posting about it! But, next year, he’ll have no choice. I won’t mention how old he’ll be, but it won’t start with a 3 anymore…

It struck me this morning that we met almost ten years ago. He was 29 (my age now! Whoa! I thought he was so old… Now I guess I am.) and I had just turned 20. In some ways, I can’t believe that. I can still be in that instant that I saw him for the first time with no effort at all. And it has been ten whole years. But, then, when I think that he graduated dental school, I graduated college, got a Master’s, we got married, we lived in New Bern, Greenville, Kinston, I worked for Northwestern Mutual, we had little Will, Mom and I started Design Chic, I wrote books, he bought his own practice, then built a new building for it… I think, wow!, we did all that in ten years?

At any rate… happy birthday and happy 10 years to the best husband and father in the whole world. (He is so patient and supportive. Y’all have no idea!) And decades and decades and decades more! I wish we were celebrating in one of the above ways!!

It is also the ten year anniversary of another one of my great loves: Amazon Prime. I know it isn’t politically correct to love Amazon. But I do. I am all about supporting local establishments, and if I can buy it locally or from brick and mortar — or especially from an indy bookstore — I do. But when you live in a tiny town, hours away from a city, sometimes you need something. And you need it quickly. So, happy 10 years, Amazon Prime. Thanks in advance for delivering Dear Carolina in two days or less.

What are you celebrating today?

You could be celebrating winning a new copy of House Broken tomorrow! Don’t forget to enter!

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  • Happy birthday to your husband! I’ll think of you when I drive past The Umstead this weekend 🙂 I’m also a fan of Amazon. I buy all my books for author events at my local Indie, I contribute to their holiday books given out to disadvantaged kids, and I shop during their readers club sale. However, I buy a lot of books during the course of a year, and I do buy them from Amazon, Target, and Costco with no guilt. Have a great weekend!

    • Thanks, Donna! Are you going to Kristin Hannah’s signing this weekend at Quail Ridge?

  • Happy Birthday to your hubby. Our family is full of Aquarian’s, myself included. Congratulations on 10 years…the years fly by, don’t they.

    I’m going to check out the Umstead, I’m sure it’s wonderful if you like it!
    Have a wonderful time.

    • They do fly by. It’s crazy! No wonder I like you so much!! A lot of my best friends are Aquarians!

  • Wow, the Umstead looks incredible. Seems like a perfect, serene spot to quietly celebrate and unwind. Happy Birthday Will!

  • I made the mistake of greeting Will a “happy birthday” instead of your hubs, anyway, I knew you enjoyed your brief but I’m sure fruitful getaway, so I’m sure hubby did too!

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