
Bless This Mess!

Some days, there is just really nothing more that you can ask for! After seventeen days of lounge-y, relaxing beach time, it’s back to reality — just for a couple of days — and that means laundry, unpacking and mail to ceiling, y’all! I got a good laugh this weekend because a friend pulled me aside and said, “I just love your new blog. I need to get my life organized and it helps keep me motivated.” Oh. My. Lord. Well, I may be organized with my goal setting, and, for some reason, at the beach house I’m able to keep things in pretty good shape. But, at home, things are just never as tidy and clutter free as I want them to be.

This weekend, I looked back over my goal-setting process from January, and was so pleased to see that I had stuck to my goals and made major progress with flying colors… In all areas except for one: Keeping my house clutter free. I mean, I’m realistic. I know that when you have a two-year-old and you want to be home with him and you’re trying to write books and blogs and do work in three or four hours a day, something is going to give. And, without a doubt, I’d rather my son look back and say that his mommy spent loads of good, quality play time with him than to think he lived in a sparkling house. And that’s the thing. It’s clean — you know, sanitized and vacuumed and dusted and fresh sheets every week. It just seems like every time I sort all the papers, a new stack appears. And I seriously believe that someone else is dropping their family’s laundry in our hampers…

I mean, I know I’m overreacting because it’s really just my desk, the entrance hall table where the mail seems to go to die and the kitchen island, where we tend to drop stuff when we walk in the door that needs to be tamed. So that doesn’t sound so hard…

Over the next few days while I’m home, one of my big priorities (besides all that mail!) is creating a plan to tackle those annoying areas where stuff seems to accumulate faster than I can put it away. I’ll keep you posted! And then my son can look back and say, “My mommy spent tons of quality time with my and my house was always tidy!” But, until then, Bless this Mess!

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!

Oh! And happy, happy, happy birthday to my amazing cousin Catherine!

  • It’s a constant never ending job! Enjoy your family, your book and your blog! Then, worry about the rest. You accomplish quite a lot. Congratulations!!!

  • You are so right Kristy, something has got to give, and if it’s just those messy areas that gave way in your life? Then you are still enormously blessed right?!

    I too get irked by the chaso in the house, but I’m glad my hubs reminds me that the mess shouldn’t really affect me that much – I mean it’s just that, a mess, something that can’t harm me or my family, something that is so insignificant in the context of what’s important that I should just breath.. close my eyes and ignore it for awhile, that way I could focus on what’s important. I’m glad you share that mantra too dear.

    Ok, take a short vacation from your vacation, the mail can wait. 😉

    • I thought I had gotten through all the mail.. And then I found another stack! Ha! Hope you’re doing great!

  • Kristy,
    I remember those days with toddlers, you’ve got your priorities right and still, you do inspire your readers to remember to be organized. Thanks for that. Enjoy your week. It always seems to me that there’s a price to pay upon return from a vacation. 🙂

    • Definitely, Karen. And you think, “Was it even worth going?” But it is, for sure! I hope you’re having a great week!

  • It never ends, Kristy. Take my word for it! I am very organized, and I can’t keep certain things done. I have had to start doing 1 or 2 a day and then the little things in-between!
    Don’t worry about it. I have found it will go nowhere.

    • Thanks, Teresa! That’s how I feel. I get it all perfect and then, five minutes later, it’s a mess again… Kind of like life, I think 🙂 Ha! xo

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