
The Pass of the Crow and Twitter Chats!

Hi, friends! Are you having a great week so far? I turned in the final edits of LIES AND OTHER ACTS OF LOVE last week, and now I feel like I need to go do this for awhile. Well, I mean, something like that. I would never do that because I’m paranoid, and I would be afraid I would fall off that ledge. So, I’m kind of celebrating and so excited. It’s going to be out before we turn around! Another couple of things I had to tell you:

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My friend Whitney Grady’s latest book, Pass of the Crow, the second in the I Am Currency trilogy, is out now! Hooray! I’ve been waiting for another installment of the adventures of Nevel and Quinn, characters that I was fascinated by in her last book. The series is technically YA, but I am (clearly) not a young adult and love these books!

Whitney is my real-live, live-down-the-street friend, so this is a particularly exciting launch! We were good friends before we were authors, and it is so cool that, in this same teeny tiny town, we both got to have our big dreams come true. Anyway, I’m proud of her and thrilled for her. So go buy her book now please 🙂 It’s only $2.99 on Kindle right now! Can’t beat that!

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In other news, if you’re a Twitter fan, come say hi to me on Tuesday, 8/11 at 8 pm while I attempt my very first Twitter chat, with the fabulous and so darling Tamara from Traveling with T. We’re going to be talking all things Dear Carolina! Join in with the hashtag: #dearcarolina if you have a minute. Or join in here: http://twubs.com/dearcarolina. Cross your fingers that I can figure this out…

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope it’s fantastic!!

  • Hi Kristy,
    Just looking at the woman in yoga gear on the ledge makes me dizzy. Fear of heights! Congratulations on this step of getting book two ready for us (your fans) 🙂

    Congratulations to your friend, wow, that is so fun that the two of you achieved your dream and you are friends and neighbors.


  • Oh my goodness! Yesterday was a day at the pool in the rain and the kids and I never slowed down long enough to read this! THANK YOU so much! And congrats to you on your second!!! Amazing! I CANNOT wait to read it! Thanks for helping me spread the word about I Am Currency and Pass of the Crow! So crazy that we have both had our writing dreams come true!! xoxoxo

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