
Colloquialisms and Fried Chicken

I was doing a radio interview on a Seattle station this morning, and thinking that these radio interviews have been one of the most interesting and fun things I’ve done on this tour. Maybe it’s because I like to hear myself talk. I can’t be sure… But most of them have been done in non-Southern states, and it seems that people are very interested in seeing whether these things that I write about are really true. “Is this really what the South is like?” They all want to know. “Is it really as magical as it seems?”

In a word: Yes.

One of the things that these reviewers and interviewers seem to like the most in the book is all the colloquialisms, similes and metaphors in this book, which they’re so excited to learn I mostly made up. And that makes sense because while, sure, there are some phrases that stick, I feel like most colloquialisms are made up on the spot. Kind of like statistics.

I was raised in the South, in North Carolina, but I have to say that the only person I had ever heard talk like this was my grandmother, who was raised in Eastern North Carolina. And, when I moved there myself, I realized that these little sayings and comparisons and figures of speech pepper the speech patterns like sprinkles on a cupcake… First thing that popped into my mind… Now I want a cupcake. Or some fried chicken. (Oh, gosh. Sorry chicken in above photo. Now I feel terrible!)

Anyway, I do not talk like that. I never have. So it was a bit of a surprise when I started writing DEAR CAROLINA and these things started flying out of my fingers. It was even more of a surprise when yesterday, my child looked at me and said, “Mom, I’m as thirsty as a chicken on Sunday.” 

Now, I don’t know what that means, if it means anything at all, but it cracked me up because, clearly, this kid is picking this stuff up.

Later, in the bath, “I’m as wet as a puppy in a barnyard.”

Again, I don’t know why a barnyard puppy would be wet, but it just goes to show that people do talk like this because my Eastern-North Carolina raised child is picking it up left and right!

This is just one of the things that makes me love where I live, that makes it unique and inspirational. And being able to share it with other parts of the country — and seeing how interested they are in our little part of it — is amazing!

What some of my favorites are saying about DEAR CAROLINA:
“A tale of female friendship, family bonds, and, oh yes, falling in love with a cowboy, DEAR CAROLINA is the right blend of humor, heart and romance for whiling away a day on the beach.” — Huffington Post, Summer Reading: Women’s Fiction Style

“I was hooked!!!” — Reviews She Rote

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and your favorite Indy Bookstore! Shop Local, y’all!

  • Kristy,
    I love the colloquialism, “like sprinkles on a cupcake”. My maternal grandmother was from Oklahoma and she had sever sayings that I think about from time to time.
    It’s fun that you have the opportunity to interview with folks all of the nation. I hope they all enjoy your book as much as me!

  • This post cracks me up! You are so funny! You know, I am a transplant to Eastern North Carolina and I get so tickled when I hear people using colloquialisms here cuz I’m just not used to them. Our lovely friend Stacey, taught me my favorite one “slap your grandma good!” I asked her why on earth would you slap your grandma in the first place, and especially if something was good. She gave me an explanation, but I don’t remember because I was still caught up in the word picture. Anyway, I love the colloquialisms in your book and it has a lot to do with the fact that I love living in Eastern NC! So excited for this adventure you’re on!

    • Thanks, Lindsay! I know, aren’t they the funniest? I asked little Will why a chicken on Sunday would be thirsty, and he said because when you wake up early like a chicken, you’re thirsty… Oh, kids. You get these cute explanations times three!

  • The sayings are fantastic. They are so funny and unique. MC and I have lived all over the country and to hear these is wonderful!!! No other place we have lived has such marvelous sayings!

    • I totally agree, Patty! I made most of these up, but it’s so funny to hear people talk like that! I love it!!

  • I loved every line of the book, and am busy getting a review together.
    I cracked up at your little boy. Too funny.
    Now I need to find some fried chicken. It’s your fault, lol.

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