
Dear Carolina for Christmas!

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Are you ready for all that awesome holiday shopping? Have you started? Are you finished? Maybe somewhere in between? My mom, the elf, was wrapping up some beautiful Dear Carolinas for some early Christmas shoppers, and we thought Hey, what if we could do this for everyone? So, if you want to get a truly personalized holiday gift, just purchase Dear Carolina at your favorite local bookstore (indies rock!!!), Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Books-A-Million, Powell’s or wherever else you love buying books, email me at kristy @ kristy woodson harvey.com (take the spaces out, of course!), and I’ll send you a personalized bookplate for the person (or people!) of your choice, a gorgeous bookmark and plenty of ribbon to tie up your own copy in style!

The even better part? We’re going to pick one lucky buyer (or sharer!) to win a $250 Amazon gift card to help with the rest of your holiday shopping! We’ll announce the winner December 15, so you’ll have plenty of time to get your goodies. (But Santa will be delivering those signed bookplates on his sleigh all the way up until December 18!) Find out how to enter below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • I have to think of other girl friends to give the book to since I gave my closest ones the book already! True, the book would make a great gift!

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