
A Full-Circle Story!

Sometimes it’s hard to love your family members. Like, right now when my parents are in Key West, under the palm trees, lying by the pool and texting me pictures. The fact that Spring seems to be thinking of remembering our address is making it moderately easier. But still. 

Anyway… on the reason for this post!

I never cease to be amazed by the coincidences in life… Or, you know, the things that seem like coincidences but really are putting you in the right place at the right time to be on the path to your destiny.

In 2011, I entered my first writing contest. It was called “Get Your Stiletto in the Door.” So cute, right? The coordinator of that contest was Orly Konig-Lopez. That’s a name I know well now because of her amazing work with the Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association, which I’m a member of. But, anyway, the very first manuscript I ever wrote, one of the ones I called “practice” won second place in that contest.

I was elated that someone thought I could semi write, but still very skeptical. I couldn’t quite imagine with all the daunting statistics and terrifying stories that I’d read that I’d ever see one of my books on a shelf. Orly wrote me a note telling me that I had won second place and said that she couldn’t wait to see my work in print one day. I remember sort of rolling my eyes and thinking, “Yeah, right. If only it could be that easy…”

Fast forward four years and my friend Kathryn Craft just finished a giveaway for the first advance reading copy of DEAR CAROLINA to ever be given away. That contest had more than 400 entries. And do you know who won? Orly Konig-Lopez. So, quite literally, one of the very first people who ever told me that she thought I’d be in print one day is one of the first people to read DEAR CAROLINA in print.

I couldn’t possibly be more excited about that! So, long story short, the giveaway has a winner! I can’t wait to do more of these and hope that one of you wins! Speaking of:

Traveling with T is hosting a giveaway for an advance copy of DEAR CAROLINA! Head to her site to enter!

Thanks to Vel from Life & Home at 2102, Mary Ann from Classic, Casual Home and Cassandra from Cassandra M’s Place for the DEAR CAROLINA shout outs this weekend! It makes me so excited!! It’s getting real, y’all…

Have a great week!

  • Kristy,
    The full circle story should be part of one of your story lines for a book after the great success Dear Carolina will enjoy. It’s a classic but wonderful story of dreams coming true. 🙂
    I hope it’s okay to say I’m thoroughly enjoying the preview copy of your book and can hardly wait to write my “review”!
    I’m happy your mom and dad were able to get away for a tropical vacation…the photograph at the top of your post makes me want to take a vacation!

    • Thanks, Karen! I’m so glad you are enjoying!! That makes my day 🙂 I know… I want to go on vacation too. Although, today the weather is quite nice, so it’s making me feel better!

  • That’s so neat that you have such a supportive community of fellow authors. I always picture authors kind of sequestered with their work- an old-fashioned process, I guess. These cross-promotions and giveaways are a good idea (and fun for us fans, too!)

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