
Does God Have a Car?

Questions like that are probably my favorite part of being a parent. We were just lying in bed, right after reading bedtime stories, and Will leaned over and said, “Mommy, does God have a car?”

You would think that someone who makes up stories would have more creative answers to her child’s questions, but he always catches me so off guard. So I just said, “You know, I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

“Well… Because he’s in heaven and he doesn’t have to drive in heaven.”

Will looked at me for a minute and said, “No. He has a car and a truck. They’re parked in his backyard.”

He says things like this with such self-assurance that I think maybe God does have a car and a truck parked in his backyard. 

Thought this would make you guys smile today! I hope that everyone is having a great back-to-school week!

  • This made my afternoon. I like his logic, after all, Heaven is a big place and while we know God can probably will himself to be in another part of Heaven at any time, he may just enjoy driving. 🙂

  • That sounds just like something my son once said when he was around 4 – and I made a print of the quote and it still hangs on his bathroom wall so I will never forget it! It says “Mom, does God dive a convertible?” I still look at it and smile!

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