
A Grateful Heart

Start each day with a grateful heart… This seems like a great quote for this wonderful week of vacation with my little family. It’s always so much fun to get to spend quality time with my hubby and my little guy. And, I am feeling especially grateful that we weathered Hurricane Arthur so well. It was our first hurricane in Beaufort and the house did amazingly — except for the fact that the hatch to the third floor blew off in the middle of the night. Fortunately, Will is quick with a drill bit, we scavenged some wood (and borrowed little Will’s headlamp for the construction 🙂 ) and no major damage was done. Shew!

Inside, my heart was racing, but Will told me later he was impressed by how calm I was about the whole storm in general. He even quit calling me a “highlander” that didn’t know about hurricanes. (Truth time: I was VERY pregnant during Hurricane Irene, so, instead of weathering in the storm at home we went and had several lovely spa days…)

I truly believe that gratitude changes everything, that being so happy with what you have both puts you in a place of contentment and, at the same time, magically paves the way for new, exciting opportunities. Right after Will turned two, we started playing the “Gratitude Game” where we’d go back and forth (or around the dinner table) and say what we were thankful for. I didn’t think he’d get it at all, but he caught on immediately. Mostly, he’s thankful for things like Mickey Mouse and his stuffed animal Cloud and his Curious George sheets. But, sometimes, he’s thankful for how Mommy loves him to the moon and back or the yummy dinner that Daddy made him or the pretty clouds in the sky. And I really think he’s starting a habit that will serve him well for the rest of his life.

So, even if it’s in the smallest way, count your blessings today. If you need a starting place, someone who loves you to the moon and back will do nicely… Or, you know, Mickey Mouse.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful, amazing week!

  • Kristy,
    I was so relieved to read that the east coast wasn’t hit as hard as the hurricane could have hit.
    What a great idea, we will watch our granddaughter for a week while their mommy and daddy tour the Northeast, I think the gratitude game will be fun with Olivia. Thanks for the idea. I too believe waking up every day with a grateful heart makes life better.
    Enjoy the week.

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