It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!! After all of the talking and thinking and dreaming… It’s launch day! DEAR CAROLINA is officially out in the world, and I couldn’t be more excited!
This is also the launch day of the e-book version of the Dear Carolina Companion cookbook! Buy DEAR CAROLINA between May 5 and May 10 (pre-orders count too!) and send a photo of the receipt, order # or some sort of proof of purchase to readdearcarolina@gmail.com to get your copy of the gorgeous e-cookbook, my DEAR CAROLINA printable quotes AND be automatically entered to win a $1,000 SHOPPING SPREE at Shop Design Chic! We’ll have some fun giveaways in the weeks to come, but I think this one is the best! *If you bought a book at a signing, just send me an email to be entered and get your goodies!
Here’s what else is going on today:
9:30-11:30: Signing at the Kinston, NC Farmer’s Market
2:30: Facebook launch party in conjunction with the Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association!
4:30-7:30: Launch Party at Buy Local Gallery in Kinston, NC! Come have margaritas, tacos and a really good time!
Don’t forget to check out my Tour Schedule. If I’m coming to your area, I’d love to meet — and if I’m not coming to your area, I’d love to come. I have so many fun tour stops in the works and will be adding constantly! If you want me to chat with your book club (or speak at your event), please let me know. If we can’t work out a date, I’d love to Skype of FaceTime with you!
Your support and love over these past months means THE WORLD to me! If you get a second today and want to share DEAR CAROLINA on your social media or tell a friend about it, I would so appreciate it! We have all these fancy ways of getting the word spread now, but the very best is still good, old-fashioned word of mouth.
To get your copy, visit your local bookstore or order from:
Here we go… Thanks again for everything!
Happy Birthday to DEAR CAROLINA indeed!!!! CHEERS!!!!