
Happy New Year!

The Sun Setting on 2014

The Sun Setting on 2014

Happy 2015, friends! Are you having a wonderful day? Are you in disbelief, like I am, that a new year is beginning already? I know that everyone who talks about goal setting etc. says there’s nothing magical about January 1 when it comes to changing your life. But, for me, it is kind of magical. I love New Year’s!

Which is why, as the sun set on 2014, I was particularly disappointed to be taking an Epsom Salt bath and chewing on raw garlic to try to get rid of my fever/sore throat/cough/general yuckiness. (When there is a line to get to the cold and flu section at Whole Foods you figure it’s just a matter of time!) Although, watching the sunset from said tub was pretty great. But, as the sunset changed from hot pink and red to gray and yellow and then, finally, faded to black, I found myself thinking about all the amazing blessings the last year brought and how much promise this new one holds. And, to really top it off, my little guy came to bring me his pirate ship to play with while I was in the tub (so sweet!) and said, “Mom, isn’t life grand?”

I have no idea where he got that, but, yes, it really is.

So, no, I didn’t get to start 2015 off at a sprint… More like a very, very slow jog. But maybe that’s better anyway. That little tortoise did win the race, after all.

Whether you’re starting this year at a sprint or a crawl, I hope it’s off to a great start and that, no matter what 2014 was like for you, that you’re feeling like 2015 is full of promise. It’s kind of humbling how much of my life wisdom I get from a three-year-old, but I’m wishing you a year — and a life — that’s grand!

  • So sorry you are feeling a little under the weather…..
    I look at each year as a fresh new start…..Lots of hope and energy for it to top the past year!
    Happy New Year Kristy,

    • Happy New Year Patty! I know you’re going to make this one the best year ever!

  • Kristy,
    That little sweetie! There’s nothing like a child sharing a favorite toy to make you forget you’re probably coming down with something! By the way, so what does the epsom salt bath and fresh garlic chewing promise? I’m a fan of home grown cures, this one intrigues me. 🙂

    • I’m all about the home remedies! The garlic is anti-everything. (bacterial, viral, fungal, etc…) Basically it cures it all. But it’s vile. Why doesn’t Hershey’s have all those healing properties? The Epsom salt baths… I don’t know. I love Wellness Mama and she said to take Epsom salt baths so I did. Hahaha!

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