
Ice, Ice Baby!

This weather has me channeling the Vanilla Ice. (I put New Kids on the Bock on here… What is wrong with me?? I only have Nate Berkus on the brain since we’re at the Design Bloggers Conference!) I think that dates me a little… But that’s okay. I hope you’re staying warm and safe! 

I have been so nervous this winter about all of the accidents and terrible things I have heard about that happened when children were playing on frozen lakes and ponds and rivers. What kid wouldn’t want to step out onto a frozen lake and see if he or she could skate? As a parent, it’s simply impossible to tell your kids everything. There’s so much to think of! This is one that I don’t think I would have thought of on my own, but, all the same, it’s a lesson I’ve been pounding into Will’s head because it seems like such a natural thing for a little boy to want to do.

So, today, as we were driving by the ice-covered lake in our neighborhood, he said, “Mommy, if you saw ice on the lake would you walk on it?”

And I said, “No, Will, of course not. Would you?”

He said, “No way.”

I said, “Why not?”

He said, “Because you could fall through and have to go somewhere bad like the hospital.” He paused and added, “Or the tax office.”

I felt this was an important teaching moment, so I hope sincerely that he didn’t hear me crack up. The tax office? I don’t know where he ever even heard that phrase because I can’t recall Will or I ever saying it… But who knows where kids get the things they say! 

Not as bad as the hospital. But the pretty bad all the same. If you’re having inclement weather I hope you stay close to home, safe and warm today! Far far away from the hospital… or the tax office!

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    • Yeah… I know… Haha! That’s what I get for writing blog posts while I’m listening to a speaker.

  • Oh my gosh, how cute! Kids at this age say some of the most adorable things, you wonder where they get them from? I remember driving past a bank full of rocks downtown one day, and my youngest looked out the window and said “look…..croutons”! To this day, I can’t drive by that spot without smiling when I think about it 🙂

  • I am still laughing—out of the mouths of babes. He’s right, the tax office can be a terrible place! 🙂 I remember trying to cover everything with my boys. I’m sure only half of it registered since they say that children tune you out if you are always lecturing. Hahaha, but I did feel it was my duty to inform them of some of life’s risks. I’m happy to say that neither was a daredevil, phew!
    Enjoy the conference. I wish I were there.

    • I wish you were too, Karen! Hahaha! I know… It’s in one ear and out the other.

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