

gingerbread house, joy, Christmas decorations

Maghon Walker, All She Wrote Notes

Are you ready for Christmas? And New Year’s? And a brand new year of adventures?

I’m sort of hesitant about 2014 being over, and I’m savoring these last few days. And, no, it’s not because I’m going to be 30 in 2015… Although, when did that happen? But this has been one of the most amazing years of my entire life, one that I’ll look back on and think, “Wow! Really??” Book deal for Dear Carolina, opening Shop Design Chic, getting to write for Domino. Making new lifelong friends like Maghon Walker (Who made this fab gingerbread house. Seriously? I couldn’t even get a box one to hold without super glue…) and Anne Garvin at the first conferences I’ve ever been to. Watching Will dive headfirst into school with so much joy and enthusiasm… And potty training him! This has definitely been one for the record books.

Someone told me recently to make a list of all the amazing things that happened to me the past year. And I think that was good advice because, until I did that, I don’t think I had fully counted this year’s blessings. So I would encourage you to do the same thing. I tend to forge ahead to the next thing without taking stock of all the things I’ve already accomplished. So, sometimes it’s just fun to savor.

Right now, I’m savoring the silence of a sleeping child, all tuckered out from our last-minute holiday prep and having as much fun with his cousins this weekend as you can have, topped off with night vision spy goggles and Nerf guns and hockey sticks and goals. Oh yeah. It was majorly fun. (And slightly dangerous, which in the eyes of three boys made it even more fun!)

We’ll go home for Christmas tomorrow, so now there’s really nothing left to do but savor in the silence, relish the joy. And remember to count all the blessings that these last few days of 2014 will hold.

However you celebrate and whatever this season means to you, I hope you have a moment to do the same!

And, if you have a sec, check out my latest piece on Domino! Yay!

life in color with holly hollingsworth phillips

For this Southern designer, life is more fun in color.

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    • I love you to pieces too, my friend! It’s so fun to be on this journey with you 🙂 Thanks for helping me to reach for the stars! xoxo

  • What wonderful advice. I will sit down tomorrow and make a list of all the wonderful things I experienced during 2014. I bet there are many more than I expect.

    • You have had a lot going on in your 2014 too, Patty! So grateful for your friendship!

    • You too, Karen! I know you and your family will have a wonderful one. So much for you all to celebrate in 2015!!

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