
Last Minute Christmas List Additions

Good morning, friends! I have missed all of you this week! But I know you have been as busy with school sing-a-longs and Christmas pageants and general last minute running around as I have. We’re in Beaufort right now celebrating Christmas #1 with Will’s family. It’s so fun to be surrounded by family, stay up late, laugh really hard. It’s what the holidays are all about!

There’s an amazing-smelling tenderloin marinating in the fridge and all the sides are prepped for dinner. Will, of course, did that. But, don’t worry, I contributed. I will be slaving over the salad later. And it goes without saying that I made that really complicated candy I told y’all about last week. There’s nothing like sitting down to a beautiful meal with people you love to remind you how blessed you are. It makes you realize that you really don’t even need all those sparkly bows under the tree to be happy.

Little Will, however, let me know that he had a couple of last-minute additions to his Santa list. I was very excited because all he’s said he wanted was a briefcase. I could picture myself in the last-minute crowd at Wal-Mart fighting for some hot toy I didn’t know about. 

“So what else are you asking Santa for?” I asked.
He thought for a minute. “A puppy and a sister.”

Sure. No problem. Let’s see if we can whip up a sister in the next five days. 

My mom says I’m going to be very busy this year. I told Will that Santa has to have a little more time for things like puppies and sisters. Let’s hope the things Santa actually brings can be enough of a distraction.

In other exciting news, Dear Carolina is up on Penguin’s website! So exciting!

Whatever your plans for the weekend, I hope it’s full of family and happiness!

  • That tenderloin sounds heavenly!!!! Just about my favorite!!!
    I’m sure little Will will be so taken with his Santa gifts that the puppy and sister will long be forgotten. Those are two pretty heavy requests!!
    Merry Christmas

    • I’m sure, Patty! I think as long as Santa gets the briefcase right we’ll be okay 🙂

  • Will’s wish list is too cute. Is the briefcase for playing office or just for stashing treasures? 🙂 Have fun in Beaufort!

    • Definitely stashing treasures! He’s very organized 🙂 Clearly from his father… Haha!

  • Kristy,
    Your Christmas #1 sounds wonderful. I laughed out loud at Will’s request. That seems reasonable. I also thought it was sweet that he requested a sister instead of a brother. What a sweetie.
    Have fun. You will be busy next year! 🙂

    • Hahaha! Yes! I think we’re going to wait a couple more years on the puppy… And the sister. Haha!

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