Happy Monday, y’all! I need to remember this quote this week: “Love a little more. Hustle a little less.” It’s important, isn’t it? Taking time to really love people, to keep your eye and your heart and your efforts on what’s important even when your to-do list is overflowing and your inbox is packed to the gills and your voicemail is full.
This week I’m working on the edits of my book, which are due at the end of the week. Someone said, “Oh, it’s like sending your kid off to school.”
But it’s not. Because you get your kid back at the end of the day. This is I.T. it for the book! When I turn it in, that’s the last I’ll see of it until it’s released into the (very critical!) world! But, instead of locking myself in my office and sending out for chocolate, I’m going to try to relax, breathe, and, yup, hustle a little less.
And, despite the nerves, I’m celebrating like crazy. I just love, love, love writing and everything about this process so far has been incredible! So I guess I have a combination of a little loving and a little hustling in store for me this week!
What’s going on with you this week? Whatever it is (more hustle or more love!) I hope it’s amazing!
What an exciting process. I can’t wait until it hits the bookshelves. Reading the book of someone I know (virtually speaking) makes it so fun for your readers. It’s like we know the star in the movie.
I love this saying, I’ll keep it in my heart this week…we could all use the reminder to “hustle” just a little less.