
Love Never Fails


Are you feeling the love on this, the most romantic week of the year? After making twenty-two mason jars full of homemade s’more mix, tying ribbons and sticking labels, I’m sort of torn on the answer to that question. Remember when you went to the drugstore and decided whether you wanted Hello Kitty or My Little Pony Valentine’s to give out to you class? Those days are long gone.

Stupid Pinterest. (I’m just kidding, Pinterest. I love you. And, like all loves, you push me to be better… Even when it’s crafty.)

Anyway, Will and I had a blast making that mix, and that his mother would do anything even resembling a craft is a testament to the above: Love never fails.

This is what his daddy and I (and probably like forty percent of the rest of the married world…) have engraved in our wedding bands. Well, more aptly, I have it engraved in mine. Will’s is at the jeweler after being totally smashed, while on his finger. And thank goodness the ring was all that was smashed. A dentist with a smashed finger is a bit of a problem. Maybe we’ll get it back in time for Valentine’s Day. If not, and it can’t be fixed, that sort of solves the problem of what to give him!

I hope you are having a week full of love and roses and delicious Valentine’s treats! If you need a little snack to get in the Valentine’s spirit, try mixing together Amy’s graham cracker bunnies, mini-marshmallows and Valentine’s M&Ms. Then you can hand it out and tell people you need “s’more” Valentine’s like them. The little guy and I love it! I’ll show you some pictures in a couple of days!

  • Such a cute (and crafty) idea. For once, I’m happy that my girls are in high school and past the school Valentine’s Day obligations. Of course they have other obligations, which means that my husband won’t even be here for Valentine’s Day…..he’ll be at a cheer competition in Atlanta with my youngest. As long as he leaves me some chocolate, it’s all good!

  • Kristy,
    Oh my, I’m happy Will (Sr.) didn’t hurt anything besides the ring!
    What a cute Valentine idea “s’more”, very clever and fun, not to mention yummy.
    I love the quote.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    • I hope you and hubby have a good weekend too — complete with your favorite candy. I love that he does that! xo

  • I just finished Aidan’s yesterday too! He wanted lego star wars Valentine so it was tough, but we came up with something and he helped me big time., and I think that’s what’s important. Excited to see what you came up with, Pinterest is crazy with all the wonderful ideas, sometimes, I feel like a ‘bad’ mom for not being like the thousands of “Martha’s” out there! hahaha! I got the book by the way, thank you so very much, I hope to find time to read it this weekend, we’re going out of town to party with some friends. 😉 Happy Valentines day!

    • Yay! Have fun partying! I know… I love Pinterest, but it has created about a million more ways to feel like a “bad” mom! Haha! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • Oh, thank you for that cute gift idea– we like those little Amy’s bunnies- and you had me at Valentine M&M’s! My girls will love it, now that we’re long past the Dora the Explorer and Hello Kitty valentines! 🙂
    Glad Will’s finger is ok. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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