
Make it Happen!

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Happy Saturday, friends! How’s your 2015 treating you? If you feel like you need a little something to light your fire, I have good news! A fabulous fellow North Carolina girl has a brand new book that has all the spark you need to get things moving. Last year, I went to Lara’s Making Things Happen conference. It was the first thing of that nature I’ve ever done, and, to be totally honest, I thought I was going to learn about marketing. 

What I walked away with, though, was not only a clearer grasp on my goals but that feeling that I was right where I needed to be. Have you ever felt that way? Like maybe none of the pieces to the puzzle are in place yet, but you just know you’re right on the cusp of something? That was just a couple of weeks before my book deal for Dear Carolina, a couple of months before I started this blog and got to chat with all of you fine folks every week! (I was going to say “every day,” but let’s be real…)

Lara was deep in the trenches with this very emotional book when I was at MTH last year, so I know how bare her soul is in these pages. And that’s probably the best part. She has a great action plan for helping you get where you want to go — or figure out where the heck that is! — and it works because she’s been through it herself. Like really, seriously through it. And she breathed. And lived. And leapt. And came out all the better on the other side.

Whether you want to set goals and create action steps or be inspired or are just looking for a good read, check it out!

Happy weekend, friends! Hope it’s simply amazing!


    • I read one time that North Carolina has the most authors of any state… Wonder if that’s true?

  • Its always fun to reboot, even if some of the ideas are things you’ve heard before. I like learning and relearning new skills that allow us to feel confident in moving forward. Thanks for the recommendation, Kristy.
    I’m loving 2015 so far! It fits very well. 🙂

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