
Merry Christmas Eve!

It’s hard to believe that the holidays are actually here, that tomorrow morning, we will be seeing what Santa brought and celebrating with loved ones. This is, for me, the best time of the year and certainly the sweetest. I love the Christmas pageants and the school plays, the slowing down to choose the perfect gift for every person and wrap it nicely and put it under the tree. I love our tradition of spending the weekend before Christmas with my husband’s family, the holiday itself with mine and then sneaking away just the two of us before the new year comes. But maybe my favorite part is the quiet moments of reflection, of looking back and seeing what this year held and dreaming about what could be in the next.

For me, this whole year has felt like one big present wrapped underneath the tree. From launching The Southern Side of Paradise to such enthusiastic readers to getting to be class mom, getting back in our house after fourteen months of Hurricane Florence repair to speaking to my largest crowd ever for one of my favorite causes, breast cancer awareness, this has been a year full of unforgettable firsts, wonderful memories, special times with friends and, mostly, just feeling really grateful for my readers, my family and that I am getting to live my dream. It hasn’t all been exactly as I have imagined and it hasn’t been perfect, but, somehow, it has all added up to something truly wonderful.

I hope that 2019 has been wonderful for you, but, if it hasn’t, there is still time! These last few days could change everything! I hope that as you sit around your table this holiday season, hopefully with someone you love, that you have a moment to think about everything you want out of your life. And, even more than that, I hope you get it all!

Thank you so much for being on this journey with me, for your kindness, your love, your warm hearts and your unfailing generosity. Happy holidays to you and all you hold dear!

  • Merry Christmas to you and yours… ..I’M so happy that you have the house back up to snuff. It warms my heart ❤and soul. I’m ANXIOUsly awaiting your newest book. Have a wonderful new year and will continue to keep in touch!

    • You were so, so kind to check on me so much throughout the process! Merry Christmas! xoxo

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