
New York, New York!

The last time I walked past Penguin publishing was five years ago. I happened to be staying with a friend in Soho, and, while she was showing me around her fabulous neighborhood, we walked by it. I remember thinking something like, “Oh, that’s cool. That’s where the books with the little Penguins on them come from!” But I never thought I’d actually write one of those books myself. In fact, then, I didn’t have any idea about five big publishing houses and imprints within them, and I’m pretty sure I’d never even heard the term “literary agent.” Or known that an “editor” was actually someone who acquired books, not just shined them up.

I was in finance then. And I loved it. It was fun and rewarding and I got wear gorgeous shoes every day. (Because, let’s face it, that’s what really matters.) I didn’t necessarily see myself doing that as a life-long career. But I certainly didn’t have writing Dear Carolina on my mind.

So it kind of shocks me when I think that now, only five years later, I’m going to get to walk by that building again. Only, this time, they’ll let me in. It’s a moment I used to lie in bed at night and dream about. Getting to go to my New York publisher’s office. Of course, then, I didn’t know if it would ever happen. I was always in some great coat in my head, which is consistent since it’s going to be about eighteen degrees.

Considering that it was 76 here yesterday, that will be a shock. It won’t be gorgeous, but, all the same, I’m fairly happy that Will insisted on getting me that Patagonia parka.

(And don’t worry. I’ll wear great shoes.)

Starting off 2015 with a big dream-come-true moment feels pretty special. So I wanted to share it all with you. And tell you that I hope your 2015 is getting off to a running start too. I think it’s going to be a very good year!


  • SO excited for you! Have a blast in New York, even though you will be freezing to death (NY in winter, especially if there is wind, is no picnic). I’m going to attend BEA for the first time this year, but at least it will be during a warmer month 🙂

    • Fun! I think I’ll go to BEA too so we’ll have to meet up! We go to NY in the winter every year, so I think I know what I’m in for. The only year we took off was when Will was two months old! Thought it might be a little cold for him… Haha!

  • How GRAND!!!! To have a dream come true is so rare in this world! I am so happy for you.
    Your coat sounds perfect. What are your shoes like? To the knee boats??? Actually when going into “the City” which is what the natives call it, most wear walkable shoes and lots of black clothing….
    Enjoy your day,, take it all in and say to yourself….I want to remember “How” and “What” I am feeling each and every moment.

    • Thanks, Patty! I’m so excited! I’ll make sure to remember all the details 🙂 I’m not the best at that so that’s good advice!

  • What an exciting dream come true, I’m so happy for you! Be sure to share your adventure with your readers/fans. I know I’m not alone when I say, it’s like we know someone about to be famous and she’s a real person who happens to be so sweet! 🙂

    • Hahaha! I don’t know about that Karen… But you gave me a good laugh for the day 🙂

  • I’m pretty sure it will be a fanta-bulous year for you Kristy dear, with the book coming out, and tours you’ll have to do, it’ll be exciting. Hope I can come to one of your book signings if ever!!! Love the story you just told, just tells us, that sometimes life just gives us something totally unplanned and unexpected, yet, it’s what is meant for us in the end! CHEERS to 2015!

    • Thanks, Vel! That would be so fun!! I hope you can come to a signing so we can meet in person! xo

  • Goodness, I’ve been off the radar- have you had your trip yet? The way you described it makes it sound like the opening for a great movie– or book!

    • Thanks, Vicki! Just got back 🙂 I’ve been off the radar too! Busy time of year!!

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