Happy New Year, friends! I have to say that, for me, 2015 has been a pretty banner year, and I have all of YOU to thank for that! The release of Dear Carolina and all of the fabulous things that have happened since were a HUGE part of the great 2015 equation, and I know for sure that this I’ll remember the past 52 weeks forever.
But, even still, I’m always excited for a new year, a fresh start, 365 more days to become that elusive person I think I’ll be “one day.” I know the Internet is blowing up with people saying that setting goals doesn’t work and resolutions are dumb and all the other things you should do instead. But, I have to say that goal setting does work for me. It keeps me accountable and on task, and I truly believe that setting goals and sticking with them has gone a long way toward making changes I want to see in my own life.
Sometimes those things seem far off, but, as the amazing Harriet Tubman can attest: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.”
Not a bad guiding thought for this New Year if you ask me. Do you have big dreams this year? If so, I hope every last one of them comes true! Happy 2016!