
Why I’m So Thankful for You

I can’t even believe it but The Secret to Southern Charm comes out ONE WEEK from today. One of the hardest parts of writing a book for me is writing my acknowledgments–because I have so, so many people to thank that I always end up having to cut them down–more than once! The funny thing is that most of the time, the people I thank never even see the acknowledgments because they don’t make it into the advance copies. (Because I procrastinate soooo long on turning them in.)

So, today, I wanted to say how thankful I am for my readers. Each and every one of you is so special to me, and, truly, you are the reason my fourth book is coming out. Without readers, writers are a little lost to say the least.

I have always been in awe of the sacrifices soldiers make and of the ways in which those left behind carry on while they are away. Writing this book, envisioning what it must be like for a military wife to continue on with her life during the worst of the worst, and hearing stories from actual military wives along the way, was one of the most gratifying parts of writing this novel. I want to thank all the members of our armed forces and their spouses, first and foremost, for the sacrifices you make for our safety. This story is out of my imagination and any mistakes are mine and mine alone, but I have to thank my friend Army Brigadier General and author A.J. Tata for talking me through some of the finer points of military life.

Lauren McKenna, I think you are perhaps the finest editor in all the world. Thank you for your time and attention to this novel and for your help in making my first series as strong as it could possibly be. Sara Quaranta, Marla Daniels, Abby Zidle, Jen Long, Jen Bergstrom, Diana Velasquez, Theresa Dooley, Michelle Podberezniak, and everyone at Gallery Books, thank you for all you have done to make this novel come to life. I’ve never been more convinced that launching a book is like raising a child: It takes a village.

Kathie Bennett, thank you for your vision for my career and your determination to make it happen. You have made me believe in myself. Susie Zerenda, thank you for sharing the gift of your words and for tirelessly touting my novels.

Bob Diforio, thank you for shepherding this book into the world and for your advice, support, and guidance.

I am eternally grateful to the bloggers, reporters, reviewers, and book angels in my life. There are too many to name here, but Jenny O’Regan, I wanted to give you a special thank you. You were the very first person to email me to ask to help when news of my first novel broke, and that did and still does mean everything to me. Deirdre Parker Smith, not only did you guide me through my very first newspaper internship, but you have been such a cheerleader for me and have gone above and beyond at every turn. Stephanie Gray, Jessica Sorentino, and Stacey Armand, it is new bookish friends like you that keep this journey fresh and fun. Nicole McManus, from My Sister’s Books to Aries Girl to Sasee, you have given my books so much love wherever you go, and I am grateful. Andrea Katz, thanksfor your listening ear, your good advice, and for generally being a rock star. Kristy Barrett, you are always a ray of sunshine right when I need one. And Susan Roberts, Susan Walters Peterson, and Jenny Belk, you were my first early readers and remain some of my most supportive. I wouldn’t be here without you.

My design blogger girls, there are too many of you to name here, but, literally, you launched my career. Hands down. Thank you for your enthusiasm, your support, and for sharing your readers and your corners of the Internet with me year after year. I love you all so much and am in awe of your generosity!

From the time I was a little girl, independent bookstores have been some of my favorite places on earth, and I have to thank all of them around the country, especially the SIBA stores, for being such cheerleaders for me. South Main Book Co., The Country Bookshop, Litchfield Books, Buxton Books, Fiction Addiction, Dee Gees, Park Road Books, The Bookshelf, BookTowne, FoxTale, Books Unlimited, Downtown Books, Duck’s Cottage, and Avid Book Shop, thank you for making the Southern Charm tour such a huge success. The Pat Conroy Center and East Carolina University, thanks for launching this one. It is such an honor for me to be a part of all the good you do!

Beaufort Linen Company and Neuse Sports Shop, thank you for being the most amazing booksellers in towns where we, sadly, don’t have a bookstore. You guys rock!

Sabina Hitchen, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You’re a big handful of brilliant glitter and your enthusiasm and wonderful ideas are always just what I need!

Macie Flynn, thank you for all your help this year with a million different things. I can’t wait to see what you do next!

Tamara Welch, you are one of those book angels I was talking about, and I don’t know what I would do without you! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with me.

It isn’t often that we get to meet our heroes in real-life and even less often that they become our friends. Mary Alice Monroe, I am so honored to count you among mine, and I can’t thank you enough for your beautiful endorsement of this book.

My Tall Poppy Writer friends, I hope you know this, but each and every one of you makes this experience so much fun. I am so blessed to have you!

I absolutely could not do what I do without my family. Thank you to my parents, Beth and Paul Woodson, for always believing in me and for making my life easy and picking up the slack so I can do what I love, especially during my tour. Big, huge thank you to my husband, Will, and my son, Will, for being so supportive of my very big dreams and for being with me from the first word to the final edit on each and every novel. I love you all so much.

It is beginning to sink in that this is my fourth novel, that only four years ago I was hoping and praying that I would get to see just one book in print. I have to thank you, the readerwho holds this book, for helping to make my dreams come true, for telling your friends and writing reviews, for hosting and coming to my events . . . I am here today because of you, and, even though we may not have ever met, I count you as one of the people I am most grateful for every day.


  • You are such a sweetheart to mention me again! You have no idea how wonderful that feels! I love nothing better than to share my love for your books! Maybe 2019 is finally the year we get to meet in person! xoxoxox

  • Kristy, this book is fabulous. As were the other 3! IT has been a pleasure to follow along on your blog over he years and watching each book come to fruition. Your talent is imense and I have a feeling that we will be seeing many more books from you. I personally am hoping to fill and entire bookcase! Good luck.

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